Lane closure for connection works at Drum Road

Posted: 22 Oct, 2021
A lane closure will be in operation at Drum Road, Cookstown next week commencing October 25th during distribution works to connect a key commercial business in the area to natural gas.
SGN Natural Gas has notified local residents and businesses in the area encompassing the works which have been approved by DfI Roads. A diversion route will be in place during the works being carried out by Kier which will take approximately two weeks to complete.
“However, we will endeavour to complete our works earlier to minimise disruption,” a spokesperson for SGN Natural Gas explained. The contractors will be working between 9.30am-4.30pm with the road open outside of these hours to facilitate early morning and evening rush hour traffic. The works have also been scheduled to coincide with schools being closed for the Halloween holidays.
The diversion route for traffic approaching the town centre will be via Sweep Road, Sandholes Road, Dungannon Road and Drum Road. Traffic emerging from the town centre will be able to proceed on Drum Road.
The one-way lane closure and traffic control will be signposted with traffic management in place. An alternative route for Cookstown bound traffic will also be signposted using Flo Road and Orritor Road/Morgans Hill Road.
An electronic variable messaging sign (VMS) will be in place on the Drum Road in advance of the Flo Road junction to advise traffic of the road closure ahead and the alternative route to the town centre. Diversion signs will also be in place along this alternative route. Traffic should expect minor delays at the Orritor Road / Morgans Hill Road traffic signals should there be an increase in traffic volumes at this junction.
SGN Natural Gas has notified local residents and businesses in the area encompassing the works which have been approved by DfI Roads. A diversion route will be in place during the works being carried out by Kier which will take approximately two weeks to complete.
“However, we will endeavour to complete our works earlier to minimise disruption,” a spokesperson for SGN Natural Gas explained. The contractors will be working between 9.30am-4.30pm with the road open outside of these hours to facilitate early morning and evening rush hour traffic. The works have also been scheduled to coincide with schools being closed for the Halloween holidays.
The diversion route for traffic approaching the town centre will be via Sweep Road, Sandholes Road, Dungannon Road and Drum Road. Traffic emerging from the town centre will be able to proceed on Drum Road.
The one-way lane closure and traffic control will be signposted with traffic management in place. An alternative route for Cookstown bound traffic will also be signposted using Flo Road and Orritor Road/Morgans Hill Road.
An electronic variable messaging sign (VMS) will be in place on the Drum Road in advance of the Flo Road junction to advise traffic of the road closure ahead and the alternative route to the town centre. Diversion signs will also be in place along this alternative route. Traffic should expect minor delays at the Orritor Road / Morgans Hill Road traffic signals should there be an increase in traffic volumes at this junction.
A VMS has also been erected at the Sandholes Road junction giving traffic advance warning of the road closure from 25th October.
For further details please visit the roadworks section of the SGN Natural Gas website here