Smell gas? 0800 002 001


Evolve is committed to protecting the safety of the public, and to safeguarding each other and those who work with us by operating an injury-free and healthy workplace. Our Health and Safety policy sets out how we fulfil this commitment.

Legislative requirements ensure that we manage and operate our networks in a safe and reliable manner, and that we have the necessary arrangements in place to respond to a gas supply emergency. Details can be found on the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland website.

Smell gas?

Act immediately. Phone the Northern Ireland Gas Emergency number on 0800 002 001. This is a 24 hour service and all calls are free.

What is carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless, tasteless, poisonous gas.

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Dig safely

Evolve owns and operates gas mains, associated plant and equipment across Northern Ireland.

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