Dig safely

Safe digging practice governs gas mains, associated plant and equipment which are owned and operated across Northern Ireland by Evolve Network. Part of our responsibility when delivering gas to our customers includes, ensuring the safety of our asset network from accidental damage by third parties working near our pipelines. Damage to our network could lead to a fire, an explosion, or loss of supply to the local community.
Your responsibilities
Prior to any work commencing on a public highway or on private land, the person or company undertaking the work must follow safe digging practice. All excavation work must be in accordance with HSE publication HSG47. The HSE takes the view ‘assume pipes are present unless you have been shown otherwise’. People undertaking work must have utility drawings showing where underground pipes are and use location devices to locate and mark them. Once the position and route have been identified, excavation may go ahead, with trial holes dug (using suitable hand tools or vacuum excavation) as necessary, to confirm the position of any detected assets. Take special care when digging above or close to where you think the pipes are – unsafe digging can kill. As well as causing significant disruption and environmental damage, interfering with underground assets can also delay the project and incur considerable costs. If contractors are involved, it’s your responsibility to ensure any safety advice, guidance and/or copies of gas maps are made available to them.
Our process
If you plan to dig, or carry out building work to a property, site or public highway within our gas network, you must contact our Plant Protection team to let them know. Plant location enquiries must be made via post or email, but you can phone us with general plant protection queries.
See our contact details below:
Blackwater House, 14 Silverwood Industrial Estate, Lurgan, BT66 6LN
Phone 0800 912 1722 or email: plantlocation@evolvenetwork.co.uk
Mon-Fri 8am to 4pm
For further information, please read the Evolve Dig safely booklet below: