SGN Natural Gas supporting Energy Saving Week

SGN Natural Gas supporting Energy Saving Week

Posted: 01 Feb, 2021

Monday 1st February 2021, sees the launch of Energy Saving Week in Northern Ireland. 

Now in its 20th year, the week-long event looks to shine a spotlight on the importance of energy efficiency at home to reduce carbon emissions and make savings on energy bills. Throughout the week, Energy Saving Trust will bring organisations from across Northern Ireland together including SGN Natural Gas, to share simple and effective tips to help households save energy, reduce their bills, and limit the impact of our energy use on the environment. 

Angela Gracey-Roger, Northern Ireland programme manager said: “With most people spending more time at home this winter due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are likely to be facing higher energy bills this year. Energy Saving Week is here to support and help you manage your energy use, while keeping your home warm, reducing the impact on your energy bills and the environment.” 

As a part of Energy Saving Week, primary schools across Northern Ireland will be encouraged to take part in an energy saving challenge, via EcoSchools at Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful and in conjunction with the Northern Ireland Schools’ Energy Efficiency Awareness Programme (managed by The Housing Executive). 

This year adapted for home schooling, children will be shown activities on how to save energy at home. The schools will then collate the energy savings from each child and will receive a certificate from Energy Saving Trust to show how much carbon the school has saved overall. 2019 saw over 8,000 children from 96 primary schools take part with an impressive carbon emissions saving of over 57,000kg. 

Energy Saving Week is supported by the following organisations: The Housing Executive, Eco Schools at Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, Bryson Energy, the Consumer Council, Phoenix Natural Gas, SGN Natural Gas, firmus energy, Power NI, SSE Airtricity, Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations (NIFHA), Choice Housing, Clanmill Housing Association and Radius Housing.

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