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Connection information roadshow - February 2020 dates and venues
The public are invited to attend a series of information sessions taking place across the network ar...
Arrival of natural gas to west celebrated at launch event
The completion of the main construction phase of the ‘Gas to the West’ pipeline, bringing natural ga...
Connection information roadshow - January 2020 dates and venues
The public are invited to attend a series of information sessions taking place across the network ar...
Christmas comes early for school competition winners
Christmas has come early for local primary school pupils, after they won top prizes in a competition...
‘Warm at Home’ scheme to help households convert to natural gas
Residents in the SGN Natural Gas network area are set to benefit from its newly launched Warm at Hom...
Dale Farm connects to the new SGN Natural Gas network
Dale Farm, the largest UK farmer-owned dairy cooperative, has announced that its cheese and powder p...
Residents urged to visit natural gas connection roadshow
A natural gas connection roadshow will visit towns in the coming weeks to familiarise local consumer...
Dungannon, Cookstown works in preparation for domestic connections
SGN Natural Gas has advised that contractors will be carrying out gas pipeline work in Dungannon and...
SGN Natural Gas supports Gas Safety Week 2019
SGN Natural Gas has pledged their support for Gas Safety Week (16th-22nd September 2019) as part the...
Linergy converts to natural gas in Dungannon
Innovative renewable energy company Linergy has announced that its organic waste processing plant in...
Sun shines for community festival on shores of Lough Erne
SGN Natural Gas helped provide some summer fun at Aughakillymaude Community Festival in Derrylin. Au...
SGN Natural Gas to help light up Strabane’s Diwali Festival
SGN Natural Gas has pledged its support for a multi-cultural community festival which is staged annu...
Project overview for NIFRS welcomed
The Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS) has received an up-to-date overview of the cons...
SGN Natural Gas supporting Omagh Business Awards
SGN Natural Gas is sponsoring one of the award categories in the 2019 Omagh Business Awards, organis...
Work to commence in July at Dungannon Hospital Roundabout
SGN Natural Gas has confirmed that work will commence in the vicinity of the Hospital Roundabout in...
SGN Natural Gas supports Co Fermanagh fishing festival
SGN Natural Gas has been thanked for supporting a popular annual fishing festival in Co. Fermanagh,...
SHE Manager’s marathon effort for Cancer Focus Northern Ireland
SGN Natural Gas SHE Manager Dominic Scullion put his best foot forward in aid of charity when he ran...
‘Think CO’ workshop raises awareness of gas safety in western area
Delegates from a range of key organisations within the western area, have attended a carbon monoxide...