So far sew good to support NI Scrubs appeal

So far sew good to support NI Scrubs appeal

Posted: 27 Apr, 2020

SGN Natural Gas has got behind the huge community fundraising effort to help make extra scrubs for care homes, GP surgeries, testing centres and some health trusts tackling COVID-19 in Northern Ireland.

The company responded to an urgent appeal set up to purchase fabric for NI Scrubs, a network of home-stitchers which was coordinated following the huge demand for personal protective equipment (PPE) required for frontline healthcare workers. SGN Natural Gas vehicles are also being provided to help deliver the additional scrubs.

Angeline Murphy, a former local contestant on the BBC’s Great British Sewing Bee, is one of the co-ordinaries behind the initiative to get fabric out to the wide network of stitchers producing the scrubs in towns across Northern Ireland in recent weeks.

Danny O’Malley, Director of SGN Natural Gas, said the company was only too willing to support the NI Scrubs volunteers who are working around the clock to produce the scrubs to complement existing PPE requirements.

He said: “SGN Natural Gas is committed to helping the communities we serve, especially at this time of unprecedented need. We’re only too willing to be supporting NI Scrubs who have responded so magnificently with the efforts to help keep our amazing frontline staff safe from COVID-19.”

A NI Scrubs volunteer taking delivery of a consignment of fabric from SGN Natural Gas.

Thanking SGN Natural Gas for its generous response to the appeal, Angeline Murphy said: “I can’t thank SGN Natural Gas enough for its donation to the ‘search for scrubs fabric fund’ which has enabled us to distribute thousands of metres of fabric to the NI Scrubs volunteers who are continuing to do such brilliant work.”

Clara Maybin, Founder of NI Scrubs and an Omagh native said: “It’s so important that the community responds to the needs of the volunteers and workers who put themselves at great risk to help the patients suffering from COVID-19. With so many skilled craftspeople eager to throw a stitch, it was just a matter of getting materials to them. The kindness and generosity I’ve received from my friends, family and industry colleagues has been incredible. We are all in this together and I’m just doing what I can to support our NHS heroes in these terrible circumstances.”

SGN Natural Gas delivering fabric to NI Scrubs volunteers.

Additional donations can be made to Angeline’s fundraising efforts online via
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