Advice from top NI female engineer ahead of A-Level and GCSE results day

Advice from top NI female engineer ahead of A-Level and GCSE results day

Posted: 14 Aug, 2024

While studying Mechanical Engineering at Ulster University, Oonagh realised just how underrepresented females were in the engineering industry, being one of only four girls in a class of 40. 

Despite the historic gender imbalance in STEM, she hasn’t found it to be a hinderance on her own career and has welcomed the growing number of women entering the world of engineering. 
Oonagh explained: “Take a meeting for example, around 20% of those in the room are now women. While we still have a long way to go until there is a more even gender split, I have seen the number of women taking up careers in engineering double since my days at university, with most of that happening in the last 10 years.”
Much of this progress is thanks to the increased visibility of women in STEM-related careers. When discussing how best to recruit women into engineering, Oonagh welcomes the encouragement and support given to young women in school to pursue STEM pathways, but has found that even just being out on the job can be the best advertisement of all.
She said: “Even something as simple as when I am out on the street working, you will see the odd person double take when they realise it’s a woman wearing the high vis, but I actually think the best way to increase female representation in engineering is by showing us in the thick of it.”
As a busy mother of two, Oonagh is proud to say that she receives full support from Evolve, enjoying a healthy work-life balance. 
“Since COVID, the whole world has realised that we don’t have to be chained to the office desk anymore, and that many of us can be much more productive at home while cutting the commute time and ensuring we have a little more time with our families,” said Oonagh. “This is something I am especially grateful for as a mum of two.”
For any women looking to start out in the engineering industry, Oonagh’s best advice is to do everything you can to equip yourself with the appropriate skills needed to excel in your career. 

She said: “Study STEM subjects in school, do your research into the different types of engineering roles out there and consider which one you would like to pursue when deciding on which further education path to take, and always seek out any opportunities to gain experience. My door is always open to provide advice and assistance to any budding engineers.” 
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