Natural Gas Industry NI website for consumers

Natural Gas Industry NI website for consumers

Posted: 12 Nov, 2020

Network operators and gas suppliers across Northern Ireland have come together to launch a one stop support hub for natural gas customers.

With more than 300,000 properties already connected to the natural gas network locally, firmus energy, Phoenix Natural Gas, SGN Natural Gas and SSE Airtricity NI have collaborated to produce a bespoke website with important information for consumers across a range of issues, including:

- Codes of Practice to ensure consumers receive the best service possible;

- Payment and Meter support including step by step guides if a friend or family member is topping up on your behalf;

- Energy Bill support; 

- Energy efficiency tips for your home;

- Energy Care Scheme benefits and criteria; and

- Additional Support Services giving consumers access to organisations that can offer support beyond their energy needs, such as financial and mental wellbeing services. 

Throughout the pandemic, natural gas operators have continued to provide essential maintenance, emergency service and critical new customer connections.  Natural gas suppliers have continued to support consumers with meter readings and help with energy bills.

Welcoming the collaborative website and its benefits for consumers, Michael Legg, Head of Energy at The Consumer Council said: “Access to heating and hot water has never been more important for so many consumers in Northern Ireland. Therefore, we are pleased to see the natural gas industry work collaboratively to offer important support for natural gas consumers.

“It is important that consumers are aware that support is available to them and we encourage anyone with a worry or issue regarding their natural gas to contact their supplier who will be ready to help.”

To support the launch of the website, each of the natural gas operators and suppliers has shared a series of social media posts demonstrating the range of ways they can help consumers. For further information on the support available to natural gas consumers, visit: 


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