Town centre roadworks paused until new year

Posted: 23 Nov, 2020
SGN Natural Gas has literally gone the extra mile in the run-up to Christmas by pausing town centre roadworks from Monday, 23rd November 2020 until Friday, 1st January 2021.
The company’s pre-scheduled annual works programme is designed to avoid carrying out non-essential work in town centres in the network area during what is traditionally the busiest weeks of the year for local traders.
David Butler, Director of SGN Natural Gas, said the voluntary commitment to suspend roadworks in the run-up to the festive season was even more timely this year, given the ongoing impact of the global pandemic on the local economy.
He explained: “SGN Natural Gas has led on this initiative from the outset of the project which is aimed at ensuring traffic can flow more freely in and out of towns during what is traditionally the busiest time of year for local businesses. We really want to help make a difference again this year when town centres need extra support now more than ever.”
Mr Butler added: “We are very grateful for the ongoing support received from the local communities in the towns we serve while we deliver natural gas to homes and businesses and, we wish everyone a safe, healthy and happy Christmas.”

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